Migrate to Hugo

Yesterday, I finally spent some time to fix my broken blog. Previously my blog was miserable: it didn’t have HTTPS so every time you visit you need to take a deep breath and tell your browser that you want to proceed with the high risk. Then about 2 weeks go the website was completely melt down. I wish I had took a screenshot but basically all the styles were gone, and the blog were like the kind of website that you could build by letting a money typing on a computer in the 90s....

November 19, 2023 · 6 min

Observations of How to Do Things for My Past Jobs - I

I’m going to write a series of posts to record my observations of how to do things at my last few jobs as software engineer. I hope writing these will help me find the things that I did right or wrong, compare the pros and cons of different ways of doing things and apply what I learned better for the future. Even though I might not find anything to learn about, it’s always a fun thing to look back and write things down when I can still remember:)...

November 5, 2023 · 5 min

Our Baby is 9-month Old

It’s been 9 months since I became a father. I still can’t believe that the label “father” and myself are connected. The concept of “father” is always associated with my own father that I find it so hard to apply it to myself. Yet it doesn’t really prevent me from doing all the things that fathers are supposed to do: taking baby to rhyme time every week; playing with him every day after work; changing nappies and feeding him....

November 5, 2023 · 4 min

Balancing Work and Personal Life

It’s been 10 days since my last post in which I promised to blog regularly. Well it doesn’t seem to be a good start given it’s been days since last post. But here am I in front my desk in the morning and writing my 2nd post. I told you I’m serious about blogging. I didn’t blog last weekend as I was in a bad mood most of it(due to health reason which I will talk about in the future) and when I realized that I need to write blog it was already Sunday night and I haven’t done the weekly review....

October 25, 2023 · 4 min

I am Back

Yes, I am back. My last post was 6.5 years ago in 2017, rambling about customizing Vim, which I never really take advantage of (I still use Vim but not those fancy plugins). Since then a lot has changed both to my proffesionally and personal life. I plan to document about my current life here and my thoughts of various things. I promise to be persistent on writing regularly but a voice in my head(and probably yours as well!...

October 15, 2023 · 4 min

Traffic Sign Recognition

Yesterday, my 2nd project in Self-Driving Car Nanodegree finally passed! I’m not so proud of the fact that it’s already missed the due date for 3 weeks; but I’m proud that I made noticeable improvements to the project each time I submit (3 submissions in total) and I won’t learn so much if were to rush finishing it with quickfixes or tricks just to cover up. Introduction The goal of this project is to train a model that can recognize German Traffic Signs....

May 23, 2017 · 5 min

Gear Up Vim

As a suspicious and paranoid guy, I always thought plugins will make vim run sluggish. And you’ll get a hard time working on a different machine without those plugins. And I had some experience before that some plugins are really like toys that they might work in some cases but always come with a catch. Last Friday, after so many years being a basic vi user, I finally decided to make my Vim more powerful by adding a bunch of plugins....

May 20, 2017 · 3 min

Config Jekyll Theme

Spent an afternoon finding and configuring the site’s theme. Ended up in Minimal Mistakes for its detailed documentation and rich features. Two alternatives worth to try after I become more familar with Jekyll are: Lanyon and Amplify. As said, the detailed documentation is what likes about this theme. So configuring is just following the doc step by step. Most features are new to me so I enable most of them just to get some experience and decide later whether to keep them on or not....

April 30, 2017 · 1 min

Start My Own Blog

OK. This is the placd I’m gonna use to write and publish my own blog. Not wordpress, medium or anything. Instead, Github Pages and Jekyll and my own custom domains are my choice. Over the years, I’ve started and stopped writing blogs for a few times. Most of the time I quit after just 1 or 2 posts. I’ll do my best to break that cycle for this time. I don’t want to expect too much from this blog....

April 29, 2017 · 1 min