As hinted in my previous post, I want to publish my net worth and investment portfolio every month. I want to do this for a few reasons:

  • Keeping records of my pursuit to financial freedom
  • Hold myself accountable for the investment and spending decisions I make
  • Many people are doing this and they seem cool 😎
  • I need something to write about so I can complete my writing goals πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

This is an experiment. I don’t know what it leads to. There might be downside which I’m not aware of but I hope net-net this is a positive thing to me.

So here it goes. All amounts are in Australian Dollar.

Net worth

  • Total Net Worth: $ 1,177,437
  • Assets
    • Property
      • PPoR: 1,400,000
      • IP #1: 490,000
      • IP #2: 511,000
    • Cash: $104,599
    • Shares: (See the section below)
    • Super: $ 152,627
    • Other(USDC etc): $12,999
  • Liability
    • Home loan of PPoR: $ 1,008,805
    • Home loan of IP #1: $ 401,340
    • Home loan of IP #2: $ 320,000

My stock portfolio


Last words

So there you go. My net worth is not a secret anymore (not that someone’s trying to get it). It is a milestone for my blog. The net worth is only a snapshot of my financial situation. In the future, I plan to share more details of why it becomes like this today and what are the changes I want to make.