Spent an afternoon finding and configuring the site’s theme. Ended up in Minimal Mistakes for its detailed documentation and rich features. Two alternatives worth to try after I become more familar with Jekyll are: Lanyon and Amplify.

As said, the detailed documentation is what likes about this theme. So configuring is just following the doc step by step. Most features are new to me so I enable most of them just to get some experience and decide later whether to keep them on or not. Some changes I made are:

Enable Disqus

I need to apply for a shortname on Disquz, which is kind of cool.

Enable Twitter Cards.

Just supply your Twitter handle is all.

Enable Google Analytics

The document provides 2 options using Google but it seems now google-universal is the only way to go.

  provider               : false # false (default), "google", "google-universal", "custom"